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Benefits of eating black cumin regularly

Somadan media Desk: The Messenger of God said - black cumin is a medicine for all diseases except death. Natural plants have been used to treat diseases since ancient times. Black cumin was considered the most beneficial in treating all these. Later it is known from the hadith of the Messenger of Allah. The reason is that black cumin increases the immunity of the body. It has many other properties: black cumin contains protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B, copper, zinc and other elements.

Benefits of eating black cumin regularly

 Black cumin is used as a spice in cooking. It increases the taste and nutrition of food many times. Besides, black cumin oil is very beneficial for the body. Let us know about the properties of black cumin:

 One, you can mix honey with Kalijira in the morning. Black cumin lowers blood glucose. So those who want to keep diabetes under control, they can eat Kalijira.

 Two, those who worry a lot about weight, can eat Kalijira regularly. Kalijira helps in weight loss.

Three, Kalijira strengthens the body's immune system. The high antioxidant content in it keeps away from various diseases.

 Four, Kalijira maintains blood circulation in the brain. It has good memory. Apart from this, Kalijira also helps the body's blood circulation process to be normal.

 Five, you can eat Kalijira to keep your stomach healthy. Because it is good for the stomach. Kalijira helps lower cholesterol.

 Six, you can mix one teaspoon of black cumin with three teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of tulsi leaf juice to reduce fever, cold and cough. You will benefit from it.

 Seventh, the physical and mental growth of the child is accelerated by regular consumption of black cumin seeds. Black cumin also works well in improving brain health and memory in children.

 Eight, black cumin works against various types of harmful bacteria in the body. Besides high blood pressure it will be good for your heart.

Nine, eating black cumin regularly will keep the liver healthy. Apart from this, Kalijira oil is very useful in reducing muscle pain.


 Black cumin is a cure for all diseases except death. So we can always consume black cumin as our treatment. May Allah Almighty grant us the grace to act on the words and deeds of His Messenger.

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