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How was ISKCON born?

Abhayacharan De, born in Taliganj area of South Kolkata, later in life Abhay Charanavinda Bhaktivedanta Swami 'Prabhupada' or AC Bhaktivedanta is the founder of ISKCON. Millions of followers of ISKCON all over the world consider him as the religious leader.

How was ISKCON born?
 Radharman Das, vice president and spokesperson of ISKCON in Kolkata, told BBC Bangla, “He studied at the Scottish Church College, Kolkata. He also participated in the freedom struggle. At a much older age he met his Guru Maharaj in this Calcutta. It was he who ordered AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to go to the western countries to propagate Hinduism. When he was about 70 years old, he boarded a cargo ship from Kolkata to New York, USA. That was July 16, 1965.”

 According to information provided on the ISKCON website, AC Bhaktivedanta Swami had only a few trunks full of books and only seven US dollars when he left for the United States.

ISKCON was founded in 1966 and AC Bhaktivedanta died in 1977.

 In this short time he has visited many countries of the world, authored more than 40 books.

 Currently, ISKCON runs more than five hundred large centers, many temples, schools, thousands of local groups, and about a hundred vegetarian restaurants. In addition, they distribute various social welfare works, relief in natural disasters.

 The main center of this association is at Mayapur in Nadia, West Bengal.

 The Sangha claims that the Vaishnava monk Chaitanya Dev was born in this Mayapur.

 The reality is that ISKCON is a militant organization creating chaos. If anyone speaks against them, they kill him very brutally. And earns the trust of the government and proves innocent of all kinds of crimes in his custody. 

 They attacked mosques, the religious places of worship of Muslims, and staged Bengali song sessions with dancing and singing. It is not recognized in any religion. Their biggest outrage is on Muslims, their feet show that they want to erase the name and mark of Muslims from the world. 

 Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, raise your voice in every country to ban the anti-Islamic militant organization ISKCON. Now is the time to curb their corruption and brutality.

Another identity is presented 

"An organization called ISKCON is working in Bangladesh. Its headquarters is at Mayapur next to Nadia district. Originally, it was said to be an organization of Jews. The main task of this organization is to hold provocative religious ceremonies in Bangladesh, the purpose of which is to create communal riots.” (Book- Talks of the former chiefs of the intelligence agencies of Bangladesh- Bangladesh 'R' page: 171)

You need to know that ISKCON was created in New York, America, not in India. Just 50 years ago, in 1966. The name of the founder of the organization is 'Abhaycharanarabinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada'. Surprisingly, this person did not study in any Hindu school in India, he studied in a Christian church. He was a pharmaceutical businessman by profession, but why he suddenly got the ghost of a new version of Hinduism on his mind, or any teaching force, is really a matter of concern. When Swami Prabhupada launched a new type of Hindu organization, the mainstream Hindus initially blocked it. Most of the Hindus started opposing him. But at that time Swami Prabhupada came and stood by J. Judeo-Christian agents identified as Stilson Judah, Harvey Cox, Larry Sheen and Thomas Hopkins.

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ISKCON is a radical sectarian organization. The basic concept of this organization comes from medieval Chaitanya. Chaitanya's ultimate theory is - "Destroy all the worlds today". Which means - free the whole world Yavana means Muslims.

It should be noted that this organization does not accept most of the basic concepts of Hindus. They impose completely their own concept on Hindus. An easy way to recognize them - they always bring European white skins to the fore. The organization is basically NGO type. They gather the lower caste Hindus and make the party heavy. For this reason, their shelters are next to the shelters of lower caste Hindus. For example, the reason for having an ISKCON temple next to the Swamibagh temple in Dhaka city is that Swamibagh has a huge garbage can. They make the party heavy with the lower caste Hindus of this scavenger. ISKCON has more influence in Sylhet too. Because a large proportion of tea workers are low caste Hindus. They work easily with them.

Currently ISKCON is run by Direct Jews. About half of ISKCON's key policy makers are Jews. This is not my claim, but an ISKCON leader's claim. ( )

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